For sale here is an Abel No. 3N fly reel and spare spool. Serial no. 4090. The reel and spool are both in mintcondition. Made in USA. The cork drag is smooth and strong. The reel is set up for right hand retrieve though it can easily be changed to LHW. The spare spool is ported for weight reduction and also features a large arbor. The spool on the reel is also ported but has the standard arbor. Abel reels are known for their quality and craftsmanship. The reels are the perfect intersection of classic reel design with modern innovations. Reel weighs 7.7 oz. Diameter: 3.75″ with a spool width of .700″. Includes the original pouches, box, and warranty card.

(Line+ yards of backing):7+275 20# – 8+250 20#


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